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Community Medicaid

Community Medicaid covers care that is provided in the patient’s home, as opposed to a skilled nursing facility.
Community Medicaid assists in paying for care that is required for daily living, whether in the patient’s own home, or in an Assisted Living facility. Typically, individuals who require such care may be eligible for a very minimal amount of hours through Medicare or private insurance coverage.

After an initial short period of coverage, Medicare and insurance coverage are often cut, and the harsh reality sets in.
Ongoing nursing care is extremely costly and can deplete a person’s hard-earned savings in a relatively short period of time. The good news, however, is that Medicaid is available to cover the costs of much of the needed care. Many people receive 8, 12 or even 24 hours of care in their own homes, through Medicaid benefits– and Medicaid is generally a viable option.

Due to misinformation, many people are unaware that they can indeed become eligible for Medicaid.
This unfortunate fact can be extremely costly. Individuals struggling with terms such as surplus income, pooled income trusts, Medicaid lien of their home, German reparations, five-year look-back period, and countless other forms of complicated jargon, are unsure what this information means, and how it affects them personally.

At SeniorCare, we review the entire Medicaid process with you.
Our professional and courteous staff will explain all of the available options, and answer all of your questions. Additionally, our unique format in submitting Medicaid applications has been well-received and appreciated by the various Medicaid offices throughout New York State. This assures your Medicaid application a quick turnaround time.

Finally, our near-perfect success rate has given many of the certified nursing agencies the confidence to provide our clients with “pending” Medicaid services almost immediately following our recommendation. Your loved one will receive much-needed homecare even before Medicaid approval. This is priceless for an individual in need of immediate services!!

SeniorCare: Possessing the confidence of both clients and government providers.

A winning combination.

Information contained on these pages is for educational and informational purposes only. Always consult a professional to receive the most comprehensive guidance before engaging in elder care planning.

Click here to view Community Medicaid Checklist